藝術源於天地,創造就是美的視覺和接觸;德布西Debussy 受夜空感動,寫出《月光Claire de Lune》,梵谷 Van Gogh 則畫出《星夜Starry Night》;大衛王因注視夜空而寫下了詩篇第八篇「我觀看祢指頭所造的天,並祢所陳設的月亮星宿,便說,人算甚麼,祢竟顧念他?」的佳句。本人自小喜愛繪畫,可以說創作陪伴著我成長,感謝上天賜給我對藝術濃厚的興趣,除了個人不斷的創作及鑽研外,也盼能培育及訓練下一代,將創作生命及抱負傳承下去,讓藝術在香港能有更大的發展空間。本人於2008年成立「藝術家搖籃」,盼望讓更多人在課餘及工餘能學習繪畫,培養藝術品格。本人亦在中學兼任導師,藉此培養學生在繪畫、立體創作及陶瓷的興趣及技法,讓他們在常規課堂及課外有不同的學習經歷。 本人亦希望藉不同的畫會,匯聚一群志同道合的創作者,彼此分享交流創作心得,定時在香港不同的展覽館舉辦多種作品展,讓更多人分享到藝術創作的成果。 期待你的支持!
Art is a record of our encounter with the heaven and earth, any form of art creation is a
manifestation and touch of beauty, inspired by the dark night are Debussy's "Claire de Lune" and Van Goah's "Starry night"; "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them wrote? King David wrote the beautiful poem in Psalm 8 when he gazed the placid nights.
I love drawing since I was young, better describe I grew up with art, thank God who has given me a deep interest in art, while venturing through art creation and in pursue of excellence, it is my hope to train and nurture, passing on the baton and passion of art creation to the young generation, hence sustaining the mission of art and contributing to the art development of Hong Kong.
I founded Artists Cradle in 2008, with the vision of encouraging more to learn painting after work or during their leisure time, hoping to sow a good seed of character of art in their life. Being a part- time teacher of art at secondary schools, I have share the skills of painting, 3D art creation, pottery with the students, with a view to give them a total different learning experience with what they have in day-to-day classes.
It is also my hope to gather a group of likeminded artists through different art organizations, to facilitate more exchange and staging various kinds of exhibition, so that more could enjoy the beauty of art.
Thank you for your support.